Every year we are faced with a new dilemma which dresses will be fashionable, which jeans to buy to be up-to-date and what will be the women's shirts that will fit the design decisions from the last weeks of fashion in Europe and around the world. But few women think about the classical principles, mandatory in the first place and especially in the choice of clothing. It is time for all of you, dear ladies, to learn the most important fashion lessons, which will be valid both today and next year, when fashion decides to change again:

You need to know your body to choose the right clothes

If you do not know your shortcomings, you will never be able to choose the perfect dresses for yourself. Knowing the curves, strengths and weaknesses gives you a step ahead in building a truly perfect vision.

Follow your own style

But first, find out who he is. Many ladies are constantly varying, moving from one fashion trend to another, which ultimately creates complete chaos in the wardrobe. So, even though they have spent a lot of money, it is difficult to find even a shirt among their clothes to match any available pants.

черен панталон

Does it sound familiar to you?

The tactic is to know what your style is and follow it, allowing yourself to improvise from time to time.

черна рокля

You will never go wrong with black

Even if white is no less a classic color, with black, really, you can't go wrong. Here are some indisputable examples: you can't go wrong if you show up on a formal occasion in a black dress. You can't go wrong if you go to the office in black pants or a black skirt every day, changing only the blouse. And so on, and so on…