If you are 40 years old, you may think you are aware of everything. But age is never a guarantee that you have managed to find the right path to your individual style, to the perfect way to look good. Proof of this is the list of the most common fashion mistakes made by ladies over 40. It is very likely that some of them you make too…

Wearing clothes in dark colors

There is no such thing as the obligatory wearing of black, gray and brown (and so on) if you have passed your 40th birthday. On the contrary - a blouse in blue or green will refresh you a lot - and if you appear with a red dress on your 50th anniversary, you will be really irresistible, as long as it is chosen according to your figure.

No sleeveless clothes

And this is not true. More problematic is not to wear women's tank tops, but to wear only tight-fitting blouses. Even if it's leggings or tennis shoes, if they tighten you and are tight with a big neckline, then you will look a little funny and inadequate. At the same time, if you train, the latest women's clothing is completely allowed and normal for you.

Ripped jeans are for the young

Where does it say that? The fact is that just when you were young, these jeans were in fashion, right? Well then you have every right to wear them! And we even advise you to combine them either with a nice pair of branded glasses or with a luxury sporty-elegant bag. In general, do not give up accessories, because they are not forbidden to you, even though you are older!