The choice of colors in the women's wardrobe depends on several important factors. Everyone's favorite colors and shades say a lot about people, but they rarely think about the impact of colors on the psyche, character, mood, etc. Of course, the main priorities are the fashion trends of the season, because we all want to dress fashionably and try to be always informed with the recommendations of world-famous fashion legislators for the color scheme corresponding to the current season.

Nowadays, a wide variety of models of women's clothing with different bright colors is offered. In conducting targeted experiments, scientists have come to the conclusion that the colors we choose are not only an expression of our personal preference and taste, but much more.

It turns out that the preferences of different tonalities in the field of clothing can create a feeling of warmth or cold, change the mood and affect the emotional state.

The different perception of colors and its effect has been used since ancient times. In modern conditions, the color palette is used successfully by designers, stylists and fashion designers of clothing and accessories to meet the needs of people at all times and to be able to dress so that they feel "in their own skin".

The toilet, which is designed in soft and light colors, will always look fresher and will bring positive energy, compared to one that has dark shades. The different pastel tones in women's business suits encourage relaxation, and clothing in red can cause both a feeling of excitement and (if the ratio of red accents is too high) a feeling of anxiety.

Clothing in blue and green tones creates a feeling of coolness on the hot days of the year, and in winter the ladies will feel warmer and more comfortable in office clothes, in which there are details in orange and yellow.

Colors also affect biochemical and physiological processes in heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. Certain colors can strengthen or weaken the feeling of thirst or hunger, calm down or cause a feeling of aggression.

If you can replace the dishes you eat, for example, with those in blue or green colors, your appetite will decrease, while dishes with bright yellow or orange colors increase appetite

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Not only healers, but also doctors who use the fact that red increases the speed and depth of breathing, and blue - on the contrary, reduces this speed. The color red also leads to an increase in heart rate and heart rate, increasing blood pressure. However, the blue color has the opposite effect: the pulse slows down, the heartbeat equalizes, and the pressure decreases.

As you can see, the influence of colors is deeper than we usually imagine. It's good to keep these things in mind the next time you decide to buy a new business suit in red, a coat made of wool with a blue-green tint or a warm vest with a bright orange print. You can choose a summer blouse and pants in blue or turquoise - the influence of chromatics will be noticeable over others.

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